The U.S. is the second-largest user of pesticides in the world next to China, employing an estimate of one billion pounds of conventional pesticides every year.
Pesticides are chemicals that are beneficial for the elimination of pests, including insects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), and fungi (fungicides). When applied to farmlands, gardens, and lawns, they can make their way into ground water or surface water systems and potentially contaminate drinking water. The extent of health risks it may pose depends on the toxicity and volume that is present in your drinking water.
Seventy percent of U.S. drinking water is sourced from inland fresh water supply; and protecting this source is important as millions of Americans are likely exposed to pesticides in their drinking water. A 2000 study by the USDA found that up to 50 million Americans could be drinking from groundwater that is potentially contaminated with pesticides.
How Do Pesticides Get Into Drinking Water?
Farmers apply pesticides in huge amounts to protect their crops and increase crop yields. Some of these chemical residues is absorbed in the ground during rainfall or irrigation and, eventually, reaches the underground water-bearing aquifers and contaminates ground water that is the source of municipal water utilities.
Home gardening, landscaping, and even those lush green spaces in golf courses are also culprits in pesticide pollution.
Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure
Exposure to pesticides could be linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Pesticides, paraquat being the most notorious and one of the most prevalent pesticides in the U.S., also post higher risk of Parkinson’s disease and could alter specific genes involved in its development.
Even more alarming, some research also shows that pesticide use may be associated with certain types of cancer, including prostate, lung, and liver cancer. According to one study in over 30,000 female spouses of pesticide applicators, increased exposure to organophosphates was linked to a significantly higher risk of hormone-related cancers such as breast, thyroid, and ovarian cancer.
In children, accidental exposure to high pesticide levels is associated with autism, cancer and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Even low levels of pesticide exposure have a negative effect on the neurological and behavioral development in children
Regulation of Pesticide Contamination in the U.S.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) imposes strict drinking water regulations for about 100 contaminants, including pesticides. Unfortunately, while the EPA regulates maximum limits of some pesticides in drinking water, many still remain unmonitored. Moreso, while pesticide manufacturers are required to register their products, inert ingredients considered as “trade secrets” do not have to be disclosed.
Test Your Water for Pesticides
U.S. local water utility providers are required to monitor water for pesticides and make the necessary treatment before distributing the water to households. However, although water in the U.S. is one of the safest in the world millions of Americans still suffer from water-borne diseases every year. Private wells are not regulated and water from these sources may not have undergone any form of water treatment making it more susceptible to pesticide contamination.
If you want to be sure of the quality of your water, a water test kit can come very handy. Get a reliable and accurate water test kit like SJ Wave 16-in-1 Test Kit that can test the 16 parameters of safe drinking water. This product is the only product you will need to test your drinking water, and even your pool, spa, hot tub, and aquarium water for your aquatic pets.
How to Remove Pesticides from Your Drinking Water
Investing in a reliable home water filtration system like SJ Wave faucet water filter can remove contaminants that pose great threat to your health. This easy-to-install cute contraption will give you that peace of mind knowing that the water you drink is clean, safe and healthy. Visit the SJ Wave website and learn more about their complete home water filtration system and water test kits.