You can’t deny the health benefits of drinking clean water. Staying hydrated will keep your whole body running its best and will benefit you immediately and in the long run. It helps you stay in good shape physically and mentally - even your mood improves as you stay hydrated, it can decrease stress and anxiety. It makes up over half of our bodies with trillions and trillions of cells working together to do all sorts of things.
You can survive weeks without food but only around 72 hours without water. So it’s no wonder even your kidney is reaping the benefits when you pick up a glass of clean refreshing H2O.
Like all of our organs, kidneys have a crucial role in the body. They are best known as the body’s filter as they get rid of the waste and toxins that you take in. Everything you eat gets stripped of nutrients and used to create energy. What’s left over is the waste that gets released into your blood. If your kidney didn’t filter it out, the waste would build up to be harmful and create massive damage to your body. However that’s not even all they do, they also release important hormones and regulate chemicals in the blood. Those hormones stimulate bone marrow to create red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and help maintain calcium for strong bones.
For kidneys to filter, they first take in a high blood flow. Water is an important part of your blood traveling freely to your kidneys. When you’re dehydrated, your blood becomes more concentrated and your heart works harder to circulate less of it through your body. When you’re severely dehydrated, you can do permanent damage to your kidneys. So if you’re losing fluids, it’s especially important to stay on top of drinking water.
Kidney stones and urinary tract infections also do lasting damage to kidneys and can be avoided by staying hydrated. Kidney stones are less likely to form when water is working to prevent the crystals from sticking together. Water also helps flush out the bacteria that would cause an infection in your urinary tract. Also if you do get diagnosed with a UTI, make sure to drink lots of water to absorb the antibiotics given to treat it.
Chronic Kidney Disease affects millions of people every year and leads to using dialysis or a kidney transplant for survival. National Kidney Month in March is used as a way to increase awareness of the importance of kidney health while also pushing support of kidney disease research.
It’s a time to reflect on choices, to remember to take good care of our bodies before it’s too late, and to be grateful for everything our organs do to keep us healthy. Today, because of the amazing work that’s been done, kidney disease can be beat. However your best defence is to keep them healthy and strong every day.